Dear All,
I warmly salute and welcome you!
I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Parents and Guardians of Little Muheji School (LMIS) for entrusting us with those who complete your families, those you love the most, those dear to your hearts—your firstborns, your only children, your treasured daughters and sons. We are committed to upholding your trust and keeping our promise.
Our senior pupils reflect sincerely and accurately what we do, how we do it, and what our targets are. The school's vision and mission remain clear, and the Board has continued to provide a highly favorable environment, enabling LMIS to be ranked among the top learning institutions in academic excellence and innovation.
I pledge my unwavering commitment to molding our children into responsible future citizens. The innovation of the Teacher Education for Sub-Saharan Africa (TESA) initiative has rooted itself in equipping teachers with essential skills in teaching and caring for children.
I dedicate all the children, parents, teaching and non-teaching staff, and the Board of the school into the hands of God.
Head Teacher
Our campus is fully equipped to meet your child's academic needs and to enhance their future career experiences.